The Rural Review

An online journal produced in conjunction with the Rural Reconciliation Project.

The Rural Review publishes digests of important academic contributions, program information, blog-style commentary, and periodic roundups of rural items from across academic disciplines and scholarly media.

Contributions from interested authors are welcome. Find our author guidelines here.

Digest Rural Reconciliation Digest Rural Reconciliation

Franz & McNelly: Finance, Extraction, and the Green Transition

In The “Finance-Extraction-Transitions Nexus”: Geographies of the Green Transition in the 21st Century, Tobias Franz (Economics, University of London, UK) and Angus McNelly (International Relations, University of Greenwich, UK) break down the relationship between finance capital, mineral extraction, and the environmental and the societal implications of the green transition.

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Digest Rural Reconciliation Digest Rural Reconciliation

Larch et al.: Economic Sanctions and Agricultural Trade

In Economic sanctions and agricultural trade, authors Mario Larch (Department of Law, Business Administration, and Economics, University of Bayreuth, Germany), Jeff Luckstead (School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University), and Yoto V. Yotov (School of Economics, Drexel University) discuss the impact of economic sanctions, particularly for farmers and agricultural trade.

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Hafiz: The Law of Geographic Labor Market Inequality

In The Law of Geographic Labor Market Inequality, Hiba Hafiz (Boston College Law) explores the legal sources of the relationship between employer power and geographic inequality. Hafiz challenges the spatial equilibrium hypothesis, a view that market forces will correct geographic divergence, by examining empirical evidence and federal regulation of the labor market.

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Gershenson & Desmond: Eviction Crisis in Rural America

In Eviction and the Rental Housing Crisis in Rural America, Carl Gershenson and Matthew Desmond (both Sociology, Princeton University) detail the demographic and economic factors relating to eviction filings in rural America using data compiled in a national database. The authors note the lack of comprehensive research on the eviction crisis facing rural Americans, as most research focuses instead on the urban eviction crisis. By offering the first comprehensive analysis of evictions in rural communities, Gershenson and Desmond identify the significant impact of racial biases and lack of affordable quality housing on rural communities.

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Wahdat & Lusk: Achilles Heel of U.S. Food Industries

In The Achilles heel of the U.S. food industries: Exposure to labor and upstream industries in the supply chain, authors Ahmad Zia Wahdat and Jayson L. Lusk (both of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University) analyze the impact labor issues can have on downstream industries.

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Hadachek, Sexton, and Ma: Resilience of Food Supply Under Extreme Events

In Market Structure and Resilience of Food Supply Chains Under Extreme Events, authors Jeffrey Hadachek, Richard J. Sexton (both Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, UC-Davis), and Meilin Ma (Department of Agriculture Economics, Purdue University) examine the impact of economic policy on the resilience of food supply chains.

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