The Rural Review

An online journal produced in conjunction with the Rural Reconciliation Project.

The Rural Review publishes digests of important academic contributions, program information, blog-style commentary, and periodic roundups of rural items from across academic disciplines and scholarly media.

Contributions from interested authors are welcome. Find our author guidelines here.

Digest Rural Reconciliation Digest Rural Reconciliation

Rosenbloom: Sacrifice Zones

In Sacrifice Zones, author Johnathan D. Rosenbloom (Albany Law School) proposes a new way to address issues present at the intersection of climate change and land zoning laws.

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Digest Rural Reconciliation Digest Rural Reconciliation

Shoemaker: Re-Placing Property

In Re-Placing Property, Jessica A. Shoemaker (Nebraska Law) explores how property law shapes our attachments to place and considers the consequences of the property system prioritizing the first possessor regardless of an increasing disconnect between place-based relationships. Shoemaker focuses on understanding the historical impact of property systems and the continuous reshaping of property ownership while proposing ways to promote more equitable relationships to property that focus on personal relationships to land.

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Keller et al.: Land Trusts and Diversity

In Land for Whom? Diversity, Land Trusts, and Farmers and Gardeners from Marginalized Backgrounds in New England, Julie C. Keller (Sociology and Anthropology, University of Rhode Island), Blake Harrison (Political Science, University of Rhode Island), and Corey Lang (Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island) explores the extent to which land trusts in New England have been able to meet the needs of farmers and gardeners of marginalized backgrounds.

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Franz & McNelly: Finance, Extraction, and the Green Transition

In The “Finance-Extraction-Transitions Nexus”: Geographies of the Green Transition in the 21st Century, Tobias Franz (Economics, University of London, UK) and Angus McNelly (International Relations, University of Greenwich, UK) break down the relationship between finance capital, mineral extraction, and the environmental and the societal implications of the green transition.

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Borgias et al.: Unlikely Alliances in Rural-Urban Environmental Conflicts

In Unlikely Alliances in Action: Balancing Alignment and Autonomy in Rural-Urban Water Conflicts, Sophia Borgias (Public Service, Boise State University), Kate Berry (Geography, University of Nevada-Reno), and Dalten Fox (Arts and Sciences, University of South Alabama) emphasize the positive impact of “unlikely alliances” arising from efforts to tackle critical environmental issues. The authors employ a “place-based and historically embedded” approach to explore the internal dynamics of alliances among groups that have traditionally been in opposition.

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Pavón-Benítez et al.: Stereotypes of the Rural Social Scene

In Eliminating Stereotypes: Villages as Desirable Spaces for Partying among Spanish Youth, Laura Pavón-Benítez, Nuria Romo-Avilés (both Women and Gender Studies, University of Granada, Spain), José Manuel Álvarez-Montoya (Social Anthropology, Basic Psychology and Public Health, University of Pablo de Olavide Sevilla, Spain), and Penélope Sánchez-González (Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Granada, Spain) contrast the discourse and assumptions that young people have regarding sociocultural opportunities for social life  in Spanish villages, specifically leisure activities in the form of partying and local festivals.

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