The Rural Review
An online journal produced in conjunction with the Rural Reconciliation Project.
The Rural Review publishes digests of important academic contributions, program information, blog-style commentary, and periodic roundups of rural items from across academic disciplines and scholarly media.
Contributions from interested authors are welcome. Find our author guidelines here.
Ashwood et al.: Empty Fields, Empty Promises
In Empty Fields, Empty Promises: A State-by-State Guide to Understanding and Transforming the Right to Farm, Loka Ashwood (University of Kentucky, Sociology), Aimee Imlay (Mississippi State University, Sociology), Lindsay Kuehn (Farmers Legal Action Group), Allen Franco (Federal Public Defender), and Danielle Diamond (Harvard, Animal Law and Policy) use a mixed method approach to analysis and compare state right-to-farm (RTF) laws in practice.
Eminent Domain: After the Pipeline
Event video of discussion among the Rural Reconciliation Project and friends about rural futures, inspired by an upcoming premier of the Angels Theatre Company’s new play, Eminent Domain.
Earnhart & Hendricks: Adapting to Water Restrictions
In Adapting to Water Restrictions: Intensive Versus Extensive Adaptation Over Time Differentiated by Water Right Seniority, Dietrich Earnhart (Economics, University of Kansas) and Nathan P. Hendricks (Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University) explore the adaptations farmers have had to make to accommodate groundwater use restrictions.
Fairbairn & Kish: Politics of Open Data for Food and Agriculture
In Setting Data Free: The Politics of Open Data for Food and Agriculture, Madeline Fairbairn (Environmental Studies, University of California) and Zenia Kish (Media Studies, University of Tulsa), explore the assumptions and values underlying the promotion of open data in the context of food security and agricultural development. This exploration is conducted through a document-based case study of the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) initiative, interviews with open data practitioners, and participant observations at open data events.
Larch et al.: Economic Sanctions and Agricultural Trade
In Economic sanctions and agricultural trade, authors Mario Larch (Department of Law, Business Administration, and Economics, University of Bayreuth, Germany), Jeff Luckstead (School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University), and Yoto V. Yotov (School of Economics, Drexel University) discuss the impact of economic sanctions, particularly for farmers and agricultural trade.
Rudolphi and Berg: Farm Family Mental Health
In Mental health of agricultural adolescents and adults: Preliminary results of a five-year study authors Josie M. Rudolph (Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois) and Richard L. Berg (Research Computing and Analytics, Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, Marshfield WI) identify and examine factors that influence the mental health of farmers and their families.
Burlig & Stevens: Church Mergers and Technology Adoption
In Social Networks and Technology Adoption: Evidence from Church Mergers in the U.S. Midwest, Fiona Burlig (Public Policy, University of Chicago) and Andrew W. Stevens (Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin) consider how social networks increase agricultural technology adoption among farmers.
Maderson & Elsner-Adams: Beekeeping in Rural Contexts
In Beekeeping, stewardship and multispecies care in rural contexts, authors Sibohan Maderson (Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University and School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University) and Emily Elsner-Adams (Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University and Elsner Research and Consulting) examine rural environmental stewardship through the practices of beekeepers in the United Kingdom.
Wahdat & Lusk: Achilles Heel of U.S. Food Industries
In The Achilles heel of the U.S. food industries: Exposure to labor and upstream industries in the supply chain, authors Ahmad Zia Wahdat and Jayson L. Lusk (both of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University) analyze the impact labor issues can have on downstream industries.