Roundup: December 2, 2021

Recent Publications

News & Commentary

  • David Condos wrote an article for The Garden City Telegram detailing the spread of murals in small towns across Kansas.

  • Harvest Public Media and Investigate Midwest have published a new three-part investigative reporting series, Big Ag U, that explores corporate influence on agricultural research in partiulcar at public universities across the Midwest. The three reports are here, here, and here.

  • Manuela Andreoni, Hiroko Tabuchi, and Albert Sun published How Americans’ Appetite for Leather in Luxury SUVs Worsens Amazon Deforestation in the New York Times.

  • Tom Philpott published a piece on “right-wing political operatives [who] have launched a swarm of lawsuits to oppose funding for farmers of color” in Mother Jones.

  • NPR’s Planet Money recently aired an episode entitled Planes, Trains, and Bad Bridges.

  • Niina H. Farah, writing for E&E News, has a look at tribal treaty rights and related energy law and jurisdictioal issues in ‘Right of Nature’ Tribal Case May Upend Pipeline Law.


Ford: Race and Rurality in American Prepper Culture


Duarte et al.: Internet Connectivity in Rural and Tribal Communities